you might imagine it simple
— word and world —
simple and round
easy even
but then there is this
to be “in the world and not of it”
might strike a child as absurd
would it not?
it did me
hearing rumors from an afar
about a religion i knew nothing of
apart from the consumer holiday
with “tinsel’
plastic and aluminum
hanging from the brightly lit tree
the boxes wrapped in disposable paper
suburban sidewalks
poured concrete
and make believe happiness
dabbed on like lipstick
sold door-to-door
lasts for a day
i did not know then
that world meant culture
meant system, meant
habits and ways
and that it meant — also — honey bees
chicken eggs
the great blue and green sphere
oceans and mountains
i did not know that leaving one world could
land me in another
that one world could die
and give birth to this very