Thank you, James. I find the war impulse right here in this tender heart, beating in this fragile chest. And then I say to that war impulse, "What is it that makes you so afraid?" Thank you for this body of work. Many blessings to you as you keep listening for your path of service, brother.

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Thanks Adam.

If there is a seed of "war impulse" in you, brother, then it is in everyone, including myself. I think it is very small in each of us. Smaller than a mustard seed. But always alive in everyone.

I've begun to study the complex story of Rojava, What a story! It's difficult for me to lean in close because war and violence surrounds this beautiful, delicate flower. Violence is pure horror and ugliness. It is a pure poison. There are no words.

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War is a virus.

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James, don't go underground! Your intuition, knowledge and clear but evocative writing may not draw the

response we all wish for, but it has it's own agency and you must keep feeding it. Tho I don't always respond, and can't afford at this point (hopefully later), to support your substack, I depend on it, like air. I am sure that is multiplied by thousands.

We need you.

Until Next Time...

Karen Rom

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Thanks for these kind words of support, Karen.

I don't plan to stop writing, but I have decided not to publish in The R-Word any longer. Its time has come to retire. There is the Metacrisis Philosophy venue. https://metphil.substack.com/ It's getting a slow start, but it will emerge. And I'll probably be publishing articles and essays at Resilience. https://www.resilience.org/

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How to do it? A Zoom call with a million people? A live podcast in courtroom style with everyone a juror?

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I don't know. Should there be just one trial for each nation, or a hundred scattered throughout every continent? If it is an idea whose time has arrived, its seeds are already blowing in the wind. Let's see what may come of it. It's not for me to plan a trial, or a series of trials. It was for me to set the idea in the wind.

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This comment relates to the "Let's put war on trial--all wars."


Finally, someone points out that the whole IDEA of war is crazy and immoral and we oughta just knock it off!

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