Sitemap - 2022 - The R-Word

Welcome to The Machine

A New Publication: The Machine Stops?

Rebuilding the local village with Bei Yin and Jashan Singh (podcast)

Weaving together some strands

The rise and fall of the Megamachine

What is a Bioregional Learning Center? (Joe Brewer) - YouTube

Joe Brewer Interviewed for Humanity Rising "Technologies of Hope."

Cascadian Blogging (The Raven) Patrick Mazza Interview - June 8, 2022

Back to the future with a new bioregional journal

Simon Michaux: "The Arcadians" | The Great Simplification #49

Bayo Akomalafe on Post-activism

Fugitive ethics, fugitive aesthetics

Anarchy: A Graphic Guide - book overview/review

My response to Richard Heinberg's latest article on 'energy transition'

Another Musical Interlude


Sunflowers, bombs and the lotus in the mud

Wrong Problem, Wrong Message, Wrong Tree

A Thumbnail Sketch

Planetary Economics: New Tools for Local Transformation with Kate Raworth

Andrew Nikiforuk: Energy Dead-Ends: Green Lies, Climate Change and Chaotic Transitions

Nate Hagens - Neighbors and Politics

Conversation with Chris Smaje, author of 'A Small Farm Future'

The Collapse of Complex Societies: A Primer on Tainter's Theory

Collapse? (Huh?)

Energy Transition & the Luxury Economy

Dr. Simon Michaux: “Minerals and Materials Blindness” -- With Nate Hagens

The Heinberg Pulse Project

another musical interlude

What is energy transition?

The Energy Transition Narrative

Solving the Climate Crisis Requires the End of Capitalism

Poiesis: The relational / holistic paradigm shift emerging in our times

On the Inadequacy of "IPAT"

The Corporation

The Externalizing Machine

Jason Hickel on Degrowth

One of the most important documentary films in the world is at risk of disappearing forever

An Inconvenient Apocalypse

Hey, wait a minute!

"One of the main functions of power is to conceal power" -- Noah Harari

Give a Little Bit

Energy Blindness

Chevron Ad

Taking Action on Climate Change Requires Coming Together

Energy Descent & Campus Life - part one

Global Emissions Must Drop by 50% by 2030

Philosophers & Revolutionaries: Artist as Family

Replacing growth with belonging economies

Normalcy, Denial, Queens and Bonzes

Geeking out with Kevin Anderson

A Tale of Three Cities

Visualizing all of the cars in the world

Our Planetary Moment: A Journey Through Cosmic Time

I will make poetry of politics

"If you love somebody, set them free."

The A-Word

A Political Manifesto

Let the Next Pandemic be Peace

Dear Extinction Rebellion (XR)

Writers Wanted: submissions

Some notes on the political unconscious

Prefigurative Direct Action in a Systems Context

More on 'public' and 'private'

We are sitting atop a volcano!

Breathing Earth: a love story

On Commoning

Love is the revolution. The revolution is love.

Theory & Praxis: An Invitation to Conversation

Essential Reading & Other Resources

Ruin & Departure: a brief introduction

The co-evolutionary emergence of the state with corporate capitalism

Contemporary Politics as Conjurer's Trick


Sometimes an essay, sometimes some notes

If I say 'politics' ...

Toward a taxonomy of kinds of revolution

Why call it a 'revolution'? Why not simply call it a 'movement'?

Announcements & Etc.

What is civilization?

The End of the World As We Know It

Can a leopard change its spots?

About Hierarchy


Revolution 2.0

Please submit your essays, interviews, conversations, etc.